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Not all files/folders and their attributes are synchronized

Inviato: 18 lug 2011, 12:02
da danver
Ciao a tutti,

ho impostato dei job con rtrr via ftp ma su quasi tutti non mi vengono copiati dei file.

Purtroppo non riesco neanche a capire dai log quali file ed il motivo.

il nas è un TS-859U+ e il firmware è 3.4.1 Build 0315T

2011-07-18 01:00:00 Job started.
2011-07-18 01:00:04 The number of folder pairs = 5.
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Pair1 = [xxxx, yyyyyy].
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Pair2 = [xxxx, yyyyyy].
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Pair3 = [xxxx, yyyyyy].
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Pair4 = [xxxx, yyyyyy].
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Pair5 = [xxxx, yyyyyy].
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Schedule type: Daily (hour = 1, minute = 0).
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Synchronize files from local folders to remote folders.
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Server IP address: x.x.x.x, port number 21.
2011-07-18 01:00:04 The SSL connection option is disabled.
2011-07-18 01:00:04 The deleting extra files option is disabled.
2011-07-18 01:00:04 The detail log is enabled with the maximum size 10 MB.
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Maximum retry times: 3; Retry interval in seconds: 60; Connection timeout in seconds: 120; Current retry number: 0.
2011-07-18 01:00:04 Denying file type: Video, Music, Temp file.
2011-07-18 01:18:41 The synchronization is finished.
2011-07-18 01:18:41 Sync statistic: Total number of the folders: 11663. Total number of the files: 128425. Total updated size: 0 byte. Average updating speed: N/A. Time elapsed: 18 minutes 37 seconds
2011-07-18 01:18:41 Not all files/folders and their attributes are synchronized!
2011-07-18 01:18:41 200 file(s) and 0 folder(s) are skipped because of their unsupported filename (or unsupported file size), and 0 symbolic link(s) is skipped because symbolic link is not supported.
2011-07-18 01:18:42 Job finished. (Not all files/folders and their attributes are copied!)

Qualcuno mi può aiutare?



Re: Not all files/folders and their attributes are synchroni

Inviato: 26 set 2015, 01:50
da theboz79
Stesso problema.. qualcuno ha idea di come riuscire ad effettuare il backup della cartella a cui fa riferimento il symbolic link?